Zero Computing is the first dedicated compute platform for generating zero-knowledge proofs.

Today, there remains a lack of cloud services and computational infrastructure specifically designed for zero-knowledge proofs. The prevailing practice for generating proofs involves consuming general-purpose instances on the cloud which, while scalable, fails to address the niche demands of generating zero-knowledge proofs. There’s already a vast network of latent hardware available in the market waiting to be consumed. It’s just that nobody knows how to do it - yet. Which platforms today are providing tailored cloud infrastructure to megawatts of dedicated zero-knowledge compute resources across a distributed network of data centers?

Zero Computing is a platform for orchestrating vast amounts of compute to make zero-knowledge proof generation fast and efficient. We specialize in provisioning highly-customized instances tailored down to the specificities of individual proof requests, leading to the most competitive proof costs on the market. By combining this custom virtualization layer with a global scheduler to maximize the cross-network efficiency of resources, we provide an on-demand service that reduces costs for teams while being able to meet any shape of demand.


Company inception

APR 2024

Announced financing round of US$2,500,000